My ePortfolio

This electronic-portfolio is designed to highlight my achievements and understanding of the Online Learning & Teaching graduate Diploma (OLTD) Program Learning Outcomes here at Vancouver Island University. My e-portfolio highlights evidence of my achievement in reference to specific OLTD Learning Outcomes. Each evidence selection is paired with a companion personal reflection which speaks to my understanding of the Learning Outcomes and their importance to me as an online educator.


OLTD 501

Foundations of Online Learning

OLTD 502

The Digital Continuum

OLTD 503

Online Communications

OLTD 504

Learning Systems

OLTD 506

Digital Responsibilities & Professionalism

OLTD 508

Game-Based Learning

OLTD 509

Emergent Environments and Technologies

OLTD 510

Capstone Learnings

OLTD 511

Blended Learning

OLTD 512

Instructional Design

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